Bloomfield Ticket Case Look Up

Contact us, look-up your case then call us or send us a copy of your ticket or notice-to-appear for a free quote. We will give you a price to have our top-rated attorney provide legal representation in court to handle your matter.

Fight Your Bloomfield Hills, Michigan With A Dependable Ticket Defense Attorney. What are you waiting for? Dial Our Number At 586-755-2900 Now!

Whether you’re facing a careless driving ticket violation or DUI, hiring a traffic ticket legal representative is always your best option for avoiding unwanted conviction.

Are you searching for an attorney in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan you can rely on your traffic ticket problem? We will be there for you when you need us most.

For more than two decades now, we have been protecting the driving priviliges of many Michigan drivers. We are devoted to safeguarding you from any unfavorable implications that can arise from a traffic ticket citation. We completely offer 100% FREE legal telephone consultation and FREE no-obligation quotation. It is best to take an action immediately. Pick up your phone and dial our number today at 586-755-2900 now!

Why You Should Hire Bloomfield Ticket As Your Attorney?

  • Experienced Local Michigan Attorney With Individual Skill
  • FREE Payment Quotation
  • FREE No Obligation Telephone Consultation
  • Keep your Driving Record Clean
  • Accepting Partial Payments
  • MasterCard / Visa Payments Accepted
  • Low-Payment Flat Rates
  • Avoid Paying Each Point that Cost an Additional $150 for 3 years (beyond court fines and driver responsibility fees)

We handle the following kinds of traffic violation violations in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan:

  • Vehicle driving without insurance
  • Hand-held Cellphone use while Driving
  • Driving The Wrong Way On A One-Way Street Ticket
  • Driving while Driver's License is Suspended
  • Driving while Driver's License is Cancelled
  • Driving while Driver's License is Revoked
  • Under the Influence of Alcohol and Illicit Drugs while operating a vehicle
  • Driving with No License Privilege
  • Improperly Wide Turn Ticket
  • Failure to Stop at a Traffic Signal Violation
  • Failed to Pay a Traffic Fines Ticket Violation
  • Unlawful or Unsignaled Change of Lane Ticket
  • Failing to Stop after a Car Accident
  • Moving Violations Causing Serious Injury Ticket
  • Parking and Speeding Violation Ticket
  • Failing to Stop for a School Bus Ticket
  • Following Too Closely (Tailgating) Violation Ticket
  • Failure to Yield Right of Way Ticket
  • Failed To Use Appropriate Signal For Turn
  • Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device


I was charged with a Misdemeanor involving an accident. I honestly do not know what to do and good thing a friend of mine recommended Attorney McCandliss. I asked for his services and I’m impressed he was able to get my case dismissed at the very first court appearance. I recommend him also!

T. Tabcynski

I got into an accident charged with failure to stop and clear distance. It was not an easy experience for me. I really feel bad about what happened. I called Atty. McCandliss to help me and I’m glad I did because I ended up impeding traffic, carrying only a fine. No points! Thank you so much Atty. McCandliss!

G. Balev